
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Okey, I do not really know start this blog, because… amm… to have a favorite piece of technology… it is a difficult question for me, I like all technology jaajaja, my cellphone, my computer, etc. but if u ask me what it’s my favorite, I can say my… router jajaja, you can love have a phone, or a pc, or a tv, but I say, if I don’t have net I really can´t do anything. I do not remember when I got it but it's now that I can really appreciate it, it is a very good tool, u can do everything with that, play games, see movies, talk with your friends and family, u know, and for me talk with my family in Colombia is a good thing. I think I use internet always; it is very nice can be connected all moment, u can know thing, see the weather, call your parents, etc. Would be my life without it? I do not know jajajaj I think more rustic and slower, but I can live without net, would be stranger I just say. Life is good with this tools; it is easier all, you know.  ¿what is your favorite technology


  When I was a child… I don’t really remember a lot of thing… but my mother always said (jajajaja) “you always said: I want to be a paleontology” I really have a serious problem with dinosaurs… jajajaja I don’t know why, maybe I just liked because they were very big and powerful, so, I dreamed be a paleontology… very interesting xd When I grew up obviously paleontology it was not an option jajaja so I take my skills and thought ¿In what things I’m good? Draw, mathematics, and that’s all jajajaj, so first I wanted be economist, but when I learn about that, my mental changes, and I see architecture a better option (and also have a lot of draw), architecture see me and the love make the rest ajajjaj I really love this Carrera, it has a very thing, and I don’t regretful. Okey ¿my experience in the university? Plop twit I don´t even know the faculty :c   so my experience with teachers that I   don’t kwon in person, or talk with other students… isn’t the ideal, but we didn’t have choice

My Auto Biography

Okey, hello everyone my name is Samuel Olea and in this new (and also first) post I going to introduce myself, maybe you can know me more without need talk with me. So, lest go. As I yet say, my name Is Samuel Olea, u can call me Samu, or Samuel, or Olea, it really doesn’t matter. I was born in Colombia; I have nigh teen years old and this year I’m going to be twenty jaja, I travel here about… 2013 and live here since then. That’s all about my birth. So, about my life, I’m studding architecture, it is a very beautifully Carrera for me, because it has a lot of things that I really love; things like draws, mathematics, physical, creativity, etc. At the moment I studding my second year, its very nice and I plan finish all, hopefully without any problems jajajaj. About me… uff is a lot but okey, ill try to simplify all. I live with my parents, my mother Colombian and my father Chilean, we have a nice coexistence and I thig that we´re happy jajajaj. I love draw, make sports, go outs