Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Okey, I do not really know start this blog, because… amm… to have a favorite piece of technology… it is a difficult question for me, I like all technology jaajaja, my cellphone, my computer, etc. but if u ask me what it’s my favorite, I can say my… router jajaja, you can love have a phone, or a pc, or a tv, but I say, if I don’t have net I really can´t do anything.

I do not remember when I got it but it's now that I can really appreciate it, it is a very good tool, u can do everything with that, play games, see movies, talk with your friends and family, u know, and for me talk with my family in Colombia is a good thing.

I think I use internet always; it is very nice can be connected all moment, u can know thing, see the weather, call your parents, etc.

Would be my life without it? I do not know jajajaj I think more rustic and slower, but I can live without net, would be stranger I just say.

Life is good with this tools; it is easier all, you know. 

¿what is your favorite technology? Pleas tell me in the comments <3


  1. Hi samuel. I completely agree with you. I love technology and it's very difficult for me not to use it. Today it is an important tool and helps us to do everything as remotely as possible. I share your opinion of the internet and I believe that it should already be a basic service for all people. Cheers!

  2. jajjaja i didn't think in the router when i was looking for my favorite technology piece, without wifi it is difficult to do many things, it shows that you are good at online games. more than the router I think your favorite element is wifi, so in my case i only use my phone wifi because i have vtr sdksjdkj great post men

  3. I agree with you Samuel !!!!
    Many people wish they were born in an ancient time, but we are in such a cool generation. The internet is very good :D

  4. jajajajaja i think that the router is like another member of the family or like a pet i don't know but it is necessary

  5. Well, I hadn't thought about it but I think you're right, a lot of things I love are on the internet and I can't see them without a signal.

  6. Yes I agree with you Wi-fi is really important today, without wifi the humanity can't do anything xd my favorite piece of technology is my pc.

  7. Hi samuel, i completely agree with you. without the internet, all our phones, pc and all the technology would be obsolete, so it's pretty useful, i must say haha.


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