Post 4: My favorite movie uwu

Okay, today I'm gonna talk about my favorite movie… how I can start? When I was a child, after school I always saw a movie, I do not know why hahaha and yes, the television has a lot of movies, but just with one of them made me feel identified uwu.

THE FUC @ $% G KILL BII one and two uwu, action, blood, a good narrative and good actors… buuuuf it is a good movie: 3 Quentin Tarantino… is mamadisimo

I love all types of movies, but action with a lot of special effects are so good, I like movies like anime, avengers, harry potter, etc. : 3 (I do not see scary movies because… it's scary me 😊)

Plea, if u are rending this text, PLEAS go to see right now kimetsu no jaiba the infinite train uwu it is a good movie, have a lot of things, action, drama, good animation…. And u re gonna cry: c. by the way, you need see it uwu

Thanks 4 read me, and please tell me in the comments what is your favorite movie? <3



  1. yaa it's nice movie and a good director. I like Django I think it's very cool bounty hunter and I love to doctor Schultz.

  2. I haven't seen kill bill yet, it's not the type of film what i like, but maybe in the future a give it an opportunity. I like A Silent Voice, is a very emotive film.

  3. just an amazing movie, pai mei? wn the best old master in the movies since master roshi, the fights are amazing, i like the last fight but my favorite part i think is when beatrix is buried alive and she gets punched out of the coffin.

  4. When the movie kimetsu no jaiba the infinite train came out I didn't have time to watch it, I had to wait until the weekend. We sat down to watch it and couldn't believe how good it was, my boyfriend and I cried a lot. It's a very good movie, we are waiting for the next season of the series.


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