Post 10: Some reflections

 I don't think that we can have a good or bad year. Just chill, I'm going to explain my posture.

Hello everyone, as u know. My name is Samuel Olea (is not important by the way.) In my short life (also I have 20 years) I made a lot of things, have a lot of moving, travel to other ways (if u didn't know, I'm Colombian) and have a lot of experiences, like: meet beautiful persons, also say bye to them, laugh with familiars actually dead, hug pets before they go, etc.

And yes, I can say, 2019 (4 example) was a bad year because bla bla bla, but also we have good moments, with little things… but we are humans, right? hahaha, as humans with feelings we are terrible, an easy example, 10 random people say to you: You are beautiful, and then just 1 says an opposite idea, achieving that the other comments brake down in a few moment ... so yes, this idea can be applied to a year, we just need a bad day… (If u understood the referent, we can be friends)

Just us can write our life, not our fathers or friends, they just can guide u, but no walk 4 you. Take this blog like some advice, if you feel sad, think than you don't have other way, is not true, believe me, and pleas ponder about that.

Have an excellent week: 3


  1. Very good reflection, I agree with you that it is good to focus on the good things because not everything in life is good and everything in life is not bad.

  2. Hi Samu, you are absolutely right bro, in life there are no blacks and whites, only a scale of grays, good post!

  3. Hi Samuel, that deep reflection you raise, now I won't be able to sleep peacefully at night haha

  4. Good blog, good reflection, it is important to make our own way and never give up

  5. Hi Samuel, what a good reference you got hahahahah. But you are right in what you say. We are the architects of our own life.

  6. With the just chill I remembered the 'daddy chill' look for it please.
    I think you've been through a lot more than anyone of age shows :(
    You make it look so easy but I don't know I feel so lonely right now.

  7. Sooo cute, I love your words... thank u for remember me this :D regards!


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