Post 9 ART

Hello classmates today I am going to write about my favorite topic: Art :3

Art is a topic than we coexist in our normal life, so u can think that it isn’t important, but is not so easy, just take a look outside, you can see architecture, see a movie or video in YouTube. In this world and the things that we do make art every time.

But please don’t misunderstand me, we need put a limit over: styles of arts, artist people, designers, etc.… and the very famous Hampart. Hamparts means: the art of not having art. I know, it’s sound weird, but I’m gonna explain you.

In this millennial world, things like this:


In contrast like this:

 ... are considerate art, but ¿what is the true meaning of art? I really don’t really have a very specific answer, because is it the objective of this, have a lot of possible solutions and you can be agree or disagree with my interpretation, just considerate art like another Carrera, I believe than all people can do art (Hampart is art too) but just like an architect or a doctor, not all the people are going to make movements or very transcendental (or yes, i don't know uwu) thinks, so again, take a look around of you, around the buildings and the movies, they are a sequences and sequences of repetitive topics, are very equal and didn’t have autonomy, listen some music, are the same, but at the same way are art too (I think  I'm confusing you more jajaj).

just I hope than u can open your mind and think about all, about the history and the LOT of topics around the word: Art, a make a singular propose a bout that, and be more critic about that.  


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  2. Wow it is very interesting, I think both are ways to express yourself, but I stay a thousand times with painting, since the skills of the painters help that these works can not be repeated.

  3. Hi Samuel, there are few people who passionately like art. In my case, I like it a lot although I am not a great artist, I paint some pictures or do embroidery. I also like to watch movies relates to art, like for example "The Da Vinci code" on Netflix.

  4. Art is a way to see your life... and its so interesting :) sometimes we don´t give it the importance it deserves :(


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