
Post 10: Some reflections

 I don't think that we can have a good or bad year. Just chill, I'm going to explain my posture. Hello everyone, as u know. My name is Samuel Olea (is not important by the way.) In my short life (also I have 20 years) I made a lot of things, have a lot of moving, travel to other ways (if u didn't know, I'm Colombian) and have a lot of experiences, like: meet beautiful persons, also say bye to them, laugh with familiars actually dead, hug pets before they go, etc. And yes, I can say, 2019 (4 example) was a bad year because bla bla bla, but also we have good moments, with little things… but we are humans, right? hahaha, as humans with feelings we are terrible, an easy example, 10 random people say to you: You are beautiful, and then just 1 says an opposite idea, achieving that the other comments brake down in a few moment ... so yes, this idea can be applied to a year, we just need a bad day… (If u understood the referent, we can be friends) Just us can write our life, no

Post 9 ART

Hello classmates today I am going to write about my favorite topic: Art :3 Art is a topic than we coexist in our normal life, so u can think that it isn’t important, but is not so easy, just take a look outside, you can see architecture, see a movie or video in YouTube. In this world and the things that we do make art every time. But please don’t misunderstand me, we need put a limit over: styles of arts, artist people, designers, etc.… and the very famous Hampart. Hamparts means: the art of not having art. I know, it’s sound weird, but I’m gonna explain you. In this millennial world, things like this:   In contrast like this:  ... are considerate art, but ¿what is the true meaning of art? I really don’t really have a very specific answer, because is it the objective of this, have a lot of possible solutions and you can be agree or disagree with my interpretation, just considerate art like another Carrera, I believe than all people can do art (Hampart is art too) but just like an archi

Post 8: Urban Sustainability

  My god, it’s very cold outside :c Hello, my dears’ partners, today I’m going to tell u why I fuc#$% love urban sustainability, it is for a lot of reasons. When I introduce myself in this adventure called University…   I been totally lost, you know, and study this thing without a clear goal it’s just like, make thing for the only reason that you MUST do something. And the people always say to you what things you must do, so when I meet with this   lot of classes that this U offers (I know, a lot is missing) I learned a lot, but the most classes are boring, the teachers just talk, and talk, and talk… agh but in Sustainability I found a teacher that he... uffff make this disgusting modality online a good thing, a space where we can talk, share ideas, learn the true meaning of this word. I’m going to work with sustainability architecture, is the most beautiful thing in where hope learn a lot, talk about the urban society vs the architecture, and what that is an important of this, b

Post 7: Person than I admire

Hello, my name is Samuel Olea Today I'm going to talk about a person than I admire, she's name is Mon Laferte, okey it's not a really name, she´s true name is Norma Montserrat bustamente Laferte and I think you know she because she is a singer, she makes very good music. I´m going to tell you a short history. Okey Mon Laferte born in Chile, so yes, she is Chilean, but anyways she begins singing here like a lot of musicians, she sings on a train, in the street, and she made it for free, you know. But here she doesn’t find a good future, so she takes she's things and travel to Mexico, and the rest of the story is basically she's life, because in their beautiful place she found love, attention and a lot of popularity. I admire she because when I see she sing or talk I can feel power, comfort, and I don't need more. She is a human than take his abilities, his skills and explode it; you can see, she is very good, and I admire that because I always remember wh

Post 6: MUSIC

  We have a lot of music, different types, singers, etc. So today I’m going to talk about my strange taste of music :3 I listen a lot of music, I really love this different type of music; my favorite singer is Mon Lafferte, her music is nice because she writes very special words and also, she talks about love, representations of sadness and happiness. But I don't just listen her. I love other music for example The Weeknd, Adele dua lipa, they are very good singers REALLY good singers. And listen other singers like Romeo Santos, Camilo, etc. They have good music too, you can listen it when you are making, I don't know, homework or when you are making some sport and it´s pretty, have a nice magic. And that is not all, when I make a home work or I listen music my Spotify (oh he has Spotify lmao) I put lofi hip hop, lofi music Japanese, I like it, Also singers like Shakira, Carlos Vives, my colombian music, and Denise Rosenthal very different top of music as you can see, an

Post 5: My favorite picture

What is my favorite picture? of i love take photografies. hello my friends today i'm gonna talk about my favorite picture and why it  is the best (for me uwu) I took this picture when I was in Bolivia, this is the big salt desert. this picture is particular because I take it in the beautiful dawn, and you can feel in this moment, a tranquility amazing. it is my favorite because when I saw it, I remember that feel and makes me feel happy, I don't know exactly why, maybe because also remember this trip whit my family and I don't now jajaj you know, this type of things is so good when you are in company. I don’t know if u can feel this jajaja but maybe u can understand :c I hope in another trip I can take more pictures and capture moments like this :3 please tell me what is your favorite picture and I’m gonna read this :3   cheeeeeeers!!!

Post 4: My favorite movie uwu

Okay, today I'm gonna talk about my favorite movie… how I can start? When I was a child, after school I always saw a movie, I do not know why hahaha and yes, the television has a lot of movies, but just with one of them made me feel identified uwu. THE FUC @ $% G KILL BII one and two uwu, action, blood, a good narrative and good actors… buuuuf it is a good movie: 3 Quentin Tarantino… is mamadisimo I love all types of movies, but action with a lot of special effects are so good, I like movies like anime, avengers, harry potter, etc. : 3 (I do not see scary movies because… it's scary me 😊) Plea, if u are rending this text, PLEAS go to see right now kimetsu no jaiba the infinite train uwu it is a good movie, have a lot of things, action, drama, good animation…. And u re gonna cry: c. by the way, you need see it uwu Thanks 4 read me, and please tell me in the comments what is your favorite movie? <3 HAVE A GOOD WEEK